Wow, where do I even begin? I was battling Eczema like a warrior, trying every possible solution, until I stumbled upon this Yoga practice. Let me tell you, it's been nothing short of a miracle. They didn't just understand what I was going through; they became my partners in healing.To say that they cured my disease feels like an understatement. These guys are wizards! I was introduced to biomagnetism therapy in the past as I was suffering from a health issue. Biomagnetism balanced my energies, letting my body find its rhythm.Biomagnetism really helped me heal when nothing else worked . Biomagnetism works by balancing the Ph of the body which gradually kills all the harmful bacteria.This lets the immunity heal the body . I strongly believe that merging biomagnetism with Yoga is a genius idea for Yoga practitioners!Most practitioners do not offer this service. Biomagnetism can help them heal more patients. To know more visit