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Phoenix Personal Injury Lawyer reviewed Phoenix Personal Injury Lawyer

After you have been involved in a car accident, you could face a variety of damages, like damages to your vehicle and serious injuries that could take a huge toll on your life. You may be dealing with pain and other symptoms and have already received immediate medical attention right after your accident has happened. One of the most disorienting parts of these cases is that you may end up responsible for your own bills when you can’t receive compensation in a certain amount of time. So who pays the bills and helps you in your time of need after you have sustained serious injuries? The Defendant’s Role in Playing You’ve identified the liable party in your accident and now you wonder how you will be compensated. If you get into an accident, you will be responsible for your medical bills until your personal injury case is settled. A party may have even been considered “at fault” for your accident but this does not mean that they will have to pay your medical bills after a car accident on an ongoing basis. This means that a defendant will usually not have to pay your bills as they come in, but instead as damages as a result of your lawsuit. In some states, there is a “no fault” limit, which can add limitations to your account. You will be responsible for paying bills as they come in after this limit has been met. If you have health insurance, your health insurance will kick in after this amount has been met. If you do not have health insurance and the limit has been met, you will have to figure out another way to pay. If you live in a state that is not “no fault,” then you may be stuck with your medical bills. Arizona is a no fault state, which means that there will be limitations when it comes to your case and damages. Reimbursement to the Insurance Companies Let’s say that your insurance company covered your medical bills after a car accident, and then you win your lawsuit, so now the defendant is liable for paying your medical bills. In these cases, you will have to reimburse your insurance company for what they covered when your accident first took place. This means payments for a health insurer, Medicare, Medicaid, or any other entity that played a role in paying for your medical bills in your time of need. You don’t want to end up on the hook for your medical bills, especially when those bills reach somewhere in the thousands or millions as with the most serious accidents. Because of this, you should speak to an attorney as soon as possible about your case so that you don’t end up in an adverse situation with no way out. At the Accident Law Group, we will play an important role in your case and want to help you gain the compensation you deserve. Call us today at 602-262-4254. Sources Contact Us: Accident Law Group Phoenix, Arizona Google Site: Official Site: Here at Accident Law Group, our entire firm handles only accident/injury cases. 100% of our work is building, arguing, and winning injury cases just like yours. It is what our founding partners named the firm, because accidents are all we focus on. 15650 N Black Canyon Highway, Suite B-155, Phoenix, AZ 85053 (602) 262-4254 VIDEO KEYWORDS Black box, trucks and accidents, vicarious liability, Ahwatukee Foothills News, wet floor sign, jackknifing truck, Phoenix personal injury attorney, accident in Phoenix, Phoenix car accident attorney, accident lawyers in phoenix az, joseph brown, the accident, Phoenix accident report, injury lawyer Phoenix, trucking companies hiring drivers with accidents, personal injury lawyer Phoenix, personal injury lawyer phoenix az, vicarious, vicarious liability phoenix, liability vicarious, phoenix vicarious liability, phoenix vicarious, vicarious liability phoenix, liability vicarious Phoenix Related Content: vicarious liability wet floor sign ahwatukee foothills news phoenix personal injury lawyer jackknifing truck phoenix personal injury attorney accident in phoenix phoenix car accident attorney accident lawyers joseph brown accident attorneys phoenix accident report injury lawyer phoenix trucking companies hiring drivers with accidents personal injury lawyer phoenix texting and driving best ahwatukee foothills lawyer Sonoran Living Don Crowell No wet floor sign Donald Crowell Graves amendment Ahwatukee News Paralyzed motorcycle rider One bite law Most common bicycle accidents Causes of bicycle accidents