Tacoma, WA

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Latest reviews from Tacoma

- 12/14/2023 6:14:22 AM
Quote My overall experience with ABS Countertops was exceptional. Their attention to detail, quality craftsmanship, and customer-centric approach were impressive. I highly recommend them to anyone in Tacoma... read more
- 1/25/2023 3:48:51 PM
Quote Their pricing is competitive with other roofing companies in the area. My dad grabbed 3-4 quotes and they were one of the cheaper ones. The owner actually lives in the area, so he knows what it takes ... read more
- 10/13/2022 1:47:08 AM
Quote The painting crew took their time to do the careful prep work needed on a fairly large home. They did an excellent job painting and I even had the eves painted white which makes the house look sharp. ... read more
- 9/27/2022 5:43:05 AM
Quote Highly recommended Mr TV and Appliance! Honest, effective, offers very competitive pricing and is accommodating with time. Helped me out in a pinch and had my washer up and running in no time. You can... read more
- 8/15/2022 3:57:52 PM
Quote I would highly recommend this company. My brother worked with them for what he thought would be a repair, but turned into a full replacement. The owner was upfront with everything and explained why m... read more


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