Clearfield, UT

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Latest reviews from Clearfield

Ron McVeigh wrote a review for Performax Gym
- 2/11/2016 7:24:05 PM
Quote Very pleased with the equipment, the staff is very knowledgeable and know what they are doing. read more
Patricia Abbey wrote a review for Performax Gym
- 2/8/2016 6:27:53 PM
Quote Can’t say enough nice things about this gym. Not sure what all the bad reviews are coming from. This place has it all and I couldn’t be more satisfied. read more
Adam Walter wrote a review for Performax Gym
- 1/15/2016 4:25:10 PM
Quote The people that work there are amazing and friendly. The gym is very laid back and not crowded. Makes my workout more relaxing and you don't have to rush. read more
hogbinmark wrote a review for Performax Gym
- 1/12/2016 9:09:07 PM
Quote I had my first consultation with my trainer, and he gave me some very informative insight on how I can reach my goals, and get in to shape quickly. read more


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