Duncan, OK

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Latest reviews from Duncan

- 6/10/2021 8:04:19 PM
Quote We love our Hounter Douglas roller blinds - they came out SO BEAUTIFUL & ELEGANT. Highly recommend this place! read more
- 6/11/2014 11:50:14 AM
Quote The IRS was giving me the run around for quite some time. They kept saying that I had all these past taxes payable, when actually I hadn’t even filed. They’d send me a letter stating I owed $75,000!!!... read more
- 4/30/2014 6:51:58 AM
Quote I am a nurse and I have many travel expenses. I was audited for a few years because of the expenses that my accountant said that I had, and I don't have them. I had to have a person that fully underst... read more


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