Ankeny, IA

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Latest reviews from Ankeny

Justina J. Hovis wrote a review for Detail Guys
- 11/17/2022 6:21:05 PM
Quote Interior detail was spot on, no greasy cheap plastic protectants, they used high quality scent free UV protectant and leather protectant. No grease, nice and smooth, fresh look, chrome shines, and sme... read more
- 7/7/2014 11:06:36 PM
Quote I am a nurse and I have a lot of travel expenses. I'd been audited for a few years due to the expenses that my accountant said that I had, and I didn’t have them. I was in need of someone who understo... read more
- 6/16/2014 8:14:26 PM
Quote The Internal Revenue Service is a large animal. Knowing they are the largest collection agency in America didn’t scare me. What frightened me was that I owed them money and I had no clue what they'd d... read more
Michael wrote a review for Ankeny A-1 Rental
- 4/13/2013 5:07:25 PM
Quote I had a huge problem with honesty regarding my attorney, Larry Handley of Ankeny, Iowa of the Handley Law Firm who is contact for Ankeny A-1 Rental. He made serious errors in court (cost me thousands ... read more
- 1/20/2012 10:06:48 PM
Quote Handley was a poor fit for me and I can't imagine him being a good fit for anyone. He didn't seem to care much about my case and lacked effort and communication. Worst attorney I have ever had, I woul... read more


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