Ruined skin from Dr M - Profile

Ruined skin from Dr M
I have permanent irreversible damages from lasers from thisnplace. Dr. M is a family doctor that knows absolutely nothing about skin. If I knew he was not a dermatologist. I would have not given him a chance to mess with my skin. My skinsince seeing him has changed so bad, I have fine lines all around my eyes, discoloration, pivoted collagen... Keloid scars all over my face. And when I went for a follow up to show him the damages, he said, well I don't think Your skin isdead or anything!!! Is a statement from a doctor!!!! I freaked out and he asked me to wear hydorquinoine (a bleaching cream) around my eyes because he felt my eyes looked worse because of the color change. NO!! I don't want to bleach my already screwed over my delicate eye area thanks to you practicing knowing jack nothing!!!! I am writing letters to board of derm, dermacare everyone I know that allowed him to practice.
10/18/2011 8:20:53 AM Report