marcellocmonteiro - Profile

Indianapolis Jiu Jitsu Coach - BJJ Coach Indiana Academy
4967 South Emerson Ave, Indianapolis IN 46203, United States
Get in the best shape of your life,learn to to defend yourself, have fun and train just like your favorite UFC fighters at Marcello's Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy in Indianapolis. With Marcello Monteiro's world renowned step-by-step Brazilian Jiu Jitsu curriculum, we will put you on the right track to improve your fitness and self-defense skills in a fun and inviting atmosphere. BJJ is known as more than just figthing, it is not solely a martial art but a sport but a way of promoting physical fitness . Our students join for several reasons including: To learn self-defense Improve overal health and fitness while having fun Muscle tone and definition Faster reflexes Functional Fitness More Flexibility Get into an active competition sport Relief from workday stress Make new friends Weight Loss Build a strong base for Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is one of the most effective and exciting martial arts in the world today. It is a game of chess where you learn to gain a technical leverage over your opponent, no matter your size or strength. With proper technique, any opponent can be overcome on and off the mat. Learning through Indianapolis Marcello's Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy, the step-by-step curriculum you will progressively learn to improve your technique, learn self-defense, and to hit the moves just like your favorite UFC fighter. At our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu academy in Indianapolis, we offer several different classes for different skill levels, to ensure that you will stay on course to receive your black belt
12/18/2011 6:38:27 AM Report

Best Indianapolis Jiu Jitsu Classes
12/18/2011 6:37:50 AM Report