chris_l - Profile

I have been training at Tiger Crane Kung Fu for the last 5+ years. Sifu Fujita is an excellent instructor, he teaches forms along with their practical application. He is a very patient teacher, which is helpful for those of us closer to 50 than 18 years old. Following traditional Chinese martial arts practices, there are no belts or belt tests. You learn based on your own abilities, when you are ready to move forward you do. Sifu Fujita not only teaches the forms and techniques but also passes along the rich history and traditions of Kung Fu. All of the students from the most advanced to the newest class members are given time to ask questions and properly apply what is learned. Prior to coming to Tiger Crane Kung Fu, I looked at just about every martial arts studio in Ventura County. I recommend Tiger Crane Kung Fu to anyone looking for traditional Kung Fu and Chi Kung taught in a fun environment.‎
4/19/2012 4:49:07 PM Report