I've been with Dr. Feldbein doing my Orthosnap treatment since June of last year, and am very happy
with both the process and the doctor. My teeth weren't horrible, but they were crooked and crowding
enough on the top to give me what I thought were pretty pronounced 'vampire fangs'. Other people
never seemed to notice, but I was always self-conscious, and very seldom smiled. I visited Dr Feldbein’s
office once a month and my visits were always less than 15 minutes. Now I'm going through a final
refinement period, and only have 2 sets of aligners left. Meanwhile, people keep commenting on how
straight and pretty my teeth are now, and my boss just asked me the other day if I ever had braces (and
was shocked when I told her that I was wearing them :-) Thanks to my Dr and orthosnap NY