Ziiron : Buy And Sell Locally

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West 682 Schofield Rd
San Francisco 94129
United States
Phone number:
+237 683 73 80 88

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Company description

"""Ziiron is a Marketplace that brings together buyers and sellers with the sole purpose of buying and selling in their locality. Available globally in every single country worldwide, Buying and Selling near you has been made easier with Ziiron. Buying and Selling is most effective, fast, easy and reliable when it’s done in the neighborhood or nearby. Ziiron uses Google Maps/ Geo-location to trace your location (city, state and country) to enable business become efficient and faster. For buyers: Our App shows you cool items that are up for sale at great prices around you, For Sellers: Ziiron displays your items to people in close proximity in your neighborhood. Meet nearby in person to exchange your item for cash! Or any payment method available in your community, face to face. Messaging members and scheduling meetups are also included in Ziiron, by sharing your exact location or set a secure location for the transaction to take place. Your trusted local community already living next door! Oh, and of course it’s totally FREE! Got stuff to sell? Take a photo and list it in seconds. Earn extra cash from the sale. Let go of items you no longer want or need, by listing them on Ziiron. Discover stuff for sale nearby or search for something specific. Now post anything in 30 seconds. Take a picture, set a price and that’s it.www.ziiron.com Find great local deals from Home Furniture, Kitchen, Mobile Phones, Music, Movies, Real Estate , Books, Pet Supplies, Baby, Bicycles, Community, Fashion, Garden, Health , Beauty, Photography ,Cameras, Cars, Sports , Tablets ,Computers, Tools for DIY, Toys, TV , Video Games, and more! . Even Jobs and Services. Buying and selling from/to long distance locations or countries is always posed with trust issues, delays, shipping, currency exchange and different payment methods, with Ziiron you can buy and sell in your neighborhood with no stress at all. What do you have that you want to sell? Do you want to sell something from your House, Office, Shop, Farm, and School. Do you want to sell a Mobile Phone, Car , TV , Laptop/computer , Chair , Table , House/Room for Sale or rent , Land Shoe , bag, Jewelry , T-shirt , Human hair , Make up , Food items (cakes ) and any other thing in life. Do you have a service you are offering like (Hotel , Restaurant , Consultancy , Travelling Agency , Snack Bar, School , Bank , Cyber Café and Many other services ) and want people to know about it ? Do you have a job to offer to the public ? and you want Job Is There something you need urgently and u want suppliers or want to send your request out ?
ADDRESSS:Malingo Junction (Tarred) , Few Steps From The Road , 1st Floor On The Building (Black Gate) Beside Amazing Pharmacy , Buea Cameroon

address:Malingo Junction (Tarred) , Few Steps From The Road , 1st Floor On The Building (Black Gate) Beside Amazing Pharmacy , Buea Cameroon

phone:: +237 683 73 80 88"


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