Company description
WYNLV offers discounted pricing on all-inclusive VIP packages to the top strip clubs in Las Vegas. We have a great deal right which includes round trip Limo, free cover, your first two drinks free, complimentary VIP no-wait entry, and guaranteed table seating. Guests can choose from the top clubs including: Hustler, Sapphire, Treasures, Crazy Horse 3, and Centerfolds. You pay nothing up front, you pay at the cash register inside the club. That way you can see exactly what you're getting for your money and the hostess will confirm all package details. For payments, you can use cash, credit card, or they have an ATM, whichever you prefer. We refer hundreds of groups each month which means we get a wholesale rate, which we pass on to our customers. Don't go it alone, you'll pay the tourist rate (retail). Just give us one call and our VIP hosts will take care of everything, making your visit smooth and economical.