Wawbeek Resort & Restaurant

0 reviews


553 Hawk Ridge
Upper Saranac Lake
NY 12986

Location on map


Wawbeek Resort & Restaurant image 1
Wawbeek Resort & Restaurant image 2
Wawbeek Resort & Restaurant image 3
Wawbeek Resort & Restaurant image 4
Wawbeek Resort & Restaurant image 5

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Company description

"one of the best restaurants in the Adirondacks" - The Adirondack Book. "Book a Lake House room and dine in the excellent restaurant" Conde' Nast Traveler

More details

Payment Accepted
Traveler's Check, Check, Cash, Visa, American Express, MasterCard, Check, Cash, Visa, American Express, MasterCard
63% of 11 people liked it on Urbanspoon
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