Water Damage Pacific Palisades

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515 Spoleto Dr
Pacific Palisades CA 90272
United States
Phone number:
(323) 203-0638

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Company description

Water Damage Pacific Palisades provides a wide range of services for water damage and mold remediation The www. gemflooddamage.com provides complete services related to water damage and mold removal. They offer restorative cleaning services at affordable prices 24/7 with their rapid response team for the people of Pacific Palisades. Pacific Palisades, CA () – As winters become more and more chilly this year, there are more chances of water pipe eruptions and mold forming in unused spaces. In such times when weather is the villain and accidents seem to happen, one needs a reliable company that is ever ready to help people no matter the time. One such company is situated in Pacific Palisades California, Water Damage Pacific Palisades Company believes that as weather gets tough the preparation needs to be tougher as well. And that is why they have an emergency team on standby at all times knowing that disasters can occur anytime. They follow up to date industry standards and regulations while responding to an emergency call. While cleaning and restoring the water damaged spaces they use environment friendly products that do not harm humans or pets along with plants. Their technicians use advanced machinery to remove the last drop of water and dry off the entire affected space of any home or building in a short period. 24 Hour Water Damage Repairs and Removal Services in the Pacific Palisades area! The water damage repair Pacific Palisades Company believes that time is of essence while dealing with any water damage or a mold situation because delay may cause harm to home owners and residents in that place. www.gemflooddamage.com cover an entire range of services like:- • Water Damage Restoration • Mold Removal and Remediation • Commercial Care and Residential Services • Flood Removal and Clean Up • Carpeting Cleaned/Removed/Restored • Repairs and Restoration for Damage • Odor Treatment Services • Billing for Insurance • Customer Care Guarantee


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