Company description
"The city has scores of dog parks for many dogs and dog owners to enjoy their time together in the beautiful city. The city loves their dogs so much that they have a festival just for them called ""Woofstock."" The festival offers dog walks, pet massages, a ""bark park,"" and even a pet psychic for those who would like to know more about what their pets are thinking.
The city's love for dogs can be traced back to the city's founder, Dr. Alexander John Chandler. He is a veterinarian by trade who brought the state's first veterinary practice.
The city is a fun and exciting place to live in. There are so many things for people to enjoy — and having an appliance break down can put a damper on your day. It is why we at Viking Appliance Repairs are here to be of service.
We offer an array of premium Viking appliance services, like:
Viking Refrigerator Repairs
Viking Freezer Repairs
Viking Ice Maker Repairs
Viking Wine Cooler Repairs
Viking Stovetop Repairs
Viking Range Repairs
Viking Oven Repairs
Our team of professional repair technicians is factory-certified with years of experience working with Viking appliances. They are on-call 24/7 for any Viking appliance repair service in Chandler so that you can spend the rest of your day enjoying what the city has to offer you.
Don't let something as small as this ruin your day! Let us take care of it!
We also offer 24/7 Viking Appliance Repair Service in San Francisco!"