
340 S Lemon Ave, Suite 3150
Walnut CA 91789
United States
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Company description

VerdeBrisa's goal is to bring inspiration, innovation, and support to every green minded individual on the planet. After having observed and discussed the growing number of individuals in our society who want to live a greener life but aren’t sure where to start, our founders, Steve Branz, and Jake Provencher; set out to create a destination that would provide some simple tools and solutions to make going green a breeze! (That's where our name comes from; verde brisa, or green breeze) By introducing our community members to green energy providers, emerging technology, tips and tools, as well as each other, VerdeBrisa hopes to increase the worlds knowledge and resources in order to progress toward a greener tomorrow. Interested in learning more? Get started today and join the community: sign up for our mailing list, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter - or your favorite social site. (Don't be fooled by verdebrida, verdabrisa, verdebreesa verdibrisa or others ;) We’ll keep you informed on simple steps to going green, innovative companies and services and other ways to participate. The winds of change are blowing, so join us in making a greener tomorrow, a breeze today!


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