Upholstery Cleaning Las Vegas

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7324 Divine Ridge St
Las Vegas 89139
United States
Phone number:
(702) 710-5202

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Company description

Nothing feels better than getting your shoes off right after a heavy workday, or running around and touching your cozy carpet on your feet. Our name tells you that carpet cleaning is our pride and joy. We are a BBB accredited professionals and that's because we consistently exert our best performance when doing our carpet cleaning to all clients. No carpet cleaning is too big or too small for our skilled crew and our tools are advanced. We work by your schedule and do our job quickly and meticulously, so you need not to put your busy day on delay to enjoy a fresh carpet. A clean carpet is good for your health too! Did you know that our cleaning device can actually banish allergens like dust mites and pet fur from the carpet? This leaves your lungs feeling happy again aside from its many other benefits. And what's extra special about Las Vegas Carpet Cleaning is that we give our exclusive Las Vegas carpet cleaning service at an affordable price among other companies.


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