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The best thing to do if you want to buy YouTube views is to join Google's fan page. When joining Google's fan page, you will have a section where you can view videos. After you view this video, Google will send you an email to let you know that your video has been viewed. The way to get your video viewed by thousands of people is by getting cheap YouTube views.
By subscribing to videos, it will provide you with the power to view more videos than most. The subscription rate will work the same as that of a fan page - only instead of real fans who love your videos, it will be fake fans who will love your videos. The reason why most fan pages don't work is because of the high number of viewers they receive. This is something that you don't want. I want to get more real YouTube views than I can get.
The next tip to buy cheap YouTube views is by making a video or two yourself and publishing them on your own channel. You can use these videos to make your website more attractive so that more people will see your video. More people visiting your site means more views and more real YouTube views. So once you have completed your videos, submit them to many fan pages or upload them to your own channel.
Tags: buy youtube views, buy real youtube views, cheap youtube views