Company description
University of Utah Health Care: Mobley Steven R MD offers Physicians services in Salt Lake City UT, UT area.
More details
- Licensed
- No (All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves.)
- Specialty
- Orthopaedic Surgery (Orthopaedic Trauma), Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose, Throat) (Otolaryngology - Plastic Surgery within the Head & Neck), Surgery
- Consumer Searches
- Out of 93 Clinical Psychology providers in Salt Lake City, UT, Steven Ross is ranked 27th in the number of searches on Healthgrades' site.
- Insurance Accepted
- Insurance Accepted include BCBS Blue Card PPO;First Health PPO;Humana ChoiceCare Network PPO;Multiplan PPO;PHCS PPO
- Specialist
- Orthopaedic Surgeon, Otolaryngologist (Otolaryngological Surgeon), Surgeon
- Hospital Affiliation
- Primary Children+s Medical Center, University of Utah Hospitals & Clinics
- Most Recent Updated Information
- A patient has added a new review about Dr. Mobley.
- Medical School
- The University of Texas Medical School at Houston
- Physician Name
- Steven Ross Mobley, MD, Mobley Steven Ross, MD
- Send medical information to STEVEN MOBLEY, MD
- Specialties
- Otolaryngologist, Head & Neck Surgery
- Residency
- Univ Miami/Jackson Mem Mc
- Insurance
- Great-West Healthcare
- Hospital Affiliation Rank
- 4 out of 4 stars
- Medical School Rank
- 2 out of 4 stars
- Contact
- Steven Mobley
- Educational Experience
- Univ Of Texas
- Average Wait Time
- 12.9 minutes
- Date Of Most Recent Update
- 05/22/2010
- On Angie's List Since
- 10/9/2008
- Gender
- Male
- Middle Name
- Ross
- Sex
- Male
- Medical Degree
- Degree
- MD
- Number Of Publications
- 24
- Years Experience
- 11
- Licensing State
- UT
- Years In Practice
- 12
- Number Of Comments
- 9
- Web Site