Company description
Tuxedo Rental & Sales, Formal Wear, Vests, Shoes, Mens Wear, Prom, Formal Wear Rental & Sales, Wedding Clothing, Supplies & Services, Black Tie, Bow Ties, Shirts, Pants, Cummerbunds, Button Covers,
More details
- Payment Accepted
- Traveler's Check, American Express, Cash, Diner's Club, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Cash, Diner's Club, MasterCard, Visa
- Details
- Service Options: Pick-up, Service Options: Pick-ups, Service Options: Same Day Service, Serving: Men
- Products
- After Six, Andrew Fezza, Claiborne, Ecko, Jean Yves, Perry Ellis, Ralph Lauren, Tuxedos
- Product
- Coats and Jackets, Formalwear, Hats, Men's Clothing, Tux, Tuxedos
- Assurances
- Certified Consultants, Locally Owned, References Available
- Promotions
- Coupons, Group Discount, Student Discount
- Buying Options
- New, Rent and Lease, Used
- Email
- [email protected]
- Services
- Delivery & Pickup Service
- Service
- Rent and Lease
- Ralph Lauren
- Perry Ellis
- Ecko
- Claiborne
- Jean Yves
- After Six
- Web Site