Company description
Welcome to TrainerMegs!! I'm Megan, and I’ve been in the fitness industry my whole life.
I say this because at a young age I was always running around, climbing, hanging from every inch of the house, and riding bikes outside until my mom told us we had to come in or we were going to miss dinner.
Today, I continue to live a healthy and active lifestyle. I know what it takes to get there, I even bought a gym so I can lead this lifestyle for myself and help others as well. I have built an environment here that welcomes everyone's fitness levels. My job is to learn what works for you and help you get to your own fitness goals. Gone are the days of just dreaming about what it feels like to be healthy.
Let’s get started today!
• Certified Personal Trainer NCEP (2006-present)
• Personal Trainer ABS in Los Gatos, CA (2012-present)
• Certified Level 1 Crossfit Trainer 2014
• ABS Fitness Owner (November 2014-present)
More details
- Call us for the promo
- Talk to us about our $199 program for only $99!