Timely & Timeless

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6650 N. Northwest Hwy, Suite 213
Chicago 60631
United States
Phone number:


9:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 18:00
9:00 - 18:00

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Visa payment accepted American Express payment accepted Diner's club payment accepted Mastercard payment accepted Paypal payment accepted Discover payment accepted

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Company description

Timely & Timeless is an authorized dealer of the famous Hermle clocks. Hermle clocks are one of the oldest and the most prestigious clock manufacturer’s in the world, founded in 1922. The company is known for its innovative clock mechanisms that is used by many other clock brands. Hermle clocks are exported to more than 100 countries and showcased in hotels, resorts, bungalows and other places of premium. Timely & Timeless takes great pride in being the authorized dealer of Hermle clocks, led by Paulina Hubli and Jeff Zabin who are active Hermle clock enthusiasts. We sell a variety of Hermle clocks including Astronomical Clocks, Grandfather Clocks, Contemporary Floor Clocks, Contemporary Table Clocks, Traditional Mantel Clocks http://homeology.info/three-things-consider-buying-hermle-mantel-clock/, All Wall Clocks, Ship’s Clocks and Cuckoo Clocks. Our inventory is vast and our online store features a variety of designs and colors in all the above mentioned categories. We are the wholesale dealers of the world’s most exquisite clocks and thus we want to offer great customer service, merchandise expertise and utmost customer satisfaction. Our customers include elite families, resorts, hotels, major corporations, convention centers, event managers and more. With our online store, we are making buying Hermle clocks an easy and enjoyable experience for our customers. For details about us and our Hermle clocks, visit https://timelyandtimeless.com/ and https://timelyandtimeless.com/pages/about-the-timely-timeless-team.


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