Tillamook Bay Fishing Guides

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3407 Hawthorne Lane
Tillamook 97141
United States
Phone number:
(503) 300-0024


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Company description

Tillamook Bay is home to some of the region’s top fishing guides. Salmon fishing in the Bay isn’t easy, that’s why the region’s fishing guides have had to hone their skills to become effective fishing guides in pursuit of Tillamook’s premier runs of salmon and steelhead.

Tillamook Bay is the home of some of the largest fall Chinook salmon that return on the Oregon Coast. With five rivers coming into Tillamook Bay (Wilson River, Trask River, Kilchis River, Miami River and the Tillamook River), you can understand why the salmon returns are so robust. The fall Chinook salmon return on Tillamook Bay also runs for an extended time period. Fall salmon return to Tillamook Bay from late August through mid-December, with Chinook salmon occasionally eclipsing 35 pounds in weight.

There are a lot of fishing guides that operate in Tillamook Bay, it’s difficult for a newcomer to the sport of fishing to choose the one that best fits your family or friend’s needs. Of course you want someone that is knowledgeable on how to catch salmon in the Bay, but who is also fun to spend the day with. Collectively, our fishing guides have well over 30 years of professional fishing guide experience fishing Tillamook Bay and its rivers, fully understanding how important it is for you and your family or friends to experience a great time fishing the beautiful Oregon Coast. Our fishing guides have families too, so they know the meaning of what it’s like to have a companion reel in their first salmon, it’s why we love our jobs so much.


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