Company description
We are an approved installation contractor for Home Depot Painting Services, GAF ELK and the My Safe Florida Home Program. In addition, we carry a small line of cost effective Hurricane Armor shutters
More details
- Payment Accepted
- Check, Invoice, American Express, Cash, Financing, Diner's Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Google Checkout, Invoice, American Express, Cash, Financing, Diner's Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Google Checkout
- Home Depot
- Authorized Service Provider
- Email
- 4.5 Star Rated
- 4.8 Star Rated
- Financing Available
- 90 - 180 Days
- Florida Roofers Lic
- CCC 1327217
- Florida Builders Lic.
- CBC 05952
- Gaf Elk Certified
- CE18239
- Owens Corning Certified
- Pending
- My Safe Florida Home
- 11487
- Web Site