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The Law Office of Jackson F. Gorski

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1800 Lavaca St Suite 109
Austin 78701
United States
Phone number:


9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00

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Looking for a criminal defense lawyer in Austin? Contact Attorney Jackson F. Gorski to learn more about how he could be effective as your criminal defense lawyer.

Every day in Austin good people are arrested for crimes they are suspected of committing, but it doesn't mean they're guilty. It only means they were arrested. Once they're arrested, the state must prove the person's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. If the state can't prove their case, the defendant must be released from jail. However, without a criminal defense lawyer on your side that has experience, you could be found guilty due to a lack of challenge to the state's case.

That's where I come in. I'm Attorney Jackson F. Gorski, an experienced Austin Criminal Defense Attorney that's dedicated to the challenges of defending people who're facing the chance of losing their freedom.

If you’re facing prosecution in Travis County for a sex crime, drug offense, possession of controlled substances, criminal homicide, murder, theft, burglary, or another felony or misdemeanor offense, contact my office at 512-960-4646. My office offers free criminal case reviews via a 100% comprehensive and confidential consultation. Even if you’re not facing criminal charges in Travis County, I’ll appear in Caldwell County, Bastrop County, Williamson County, Llano County, Hays County, and Burnet County to defend clients of mine who are facing criminal charges and the real possibility of conviction.

In Austin, some criminal law attorney are quick to sell their client down the river by engaging in plea-bargain negotiations with the District Attorney’s office. While this is an option for persons who are hanging over the barrel, it should never be the first option to a criminal defense lawyer who embodies the interests of their clients.

In fact, the best criminal defense lawyers in Austin are always willing to take a case to trial, but the smart ones know when to work with the state and when not to work with the state. At my office, we’ll find ways to get the case dismissed regardless of our clients innocence or guilt. Even guilty folks deserve a second chance every now and then because we’re all capable of making egregious errors from time to time. If you’re looking for a top rated criminal justice lawyer in Austin, call Attorney Jackson F. Gorksi of the Law Office of Jackson F. Gorski at 512-960-4646.

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