Company description
Kosher Butcher, Deli, Full-Service Caterer. Also provides Gourmet Take-Out/Delivery, Corporate Menus, Party Platters, Bagels, Groceries and Wine. Under Supervision of the Atlanta Kashruth Commission.
More details
- Payment Accepted
- Check, Traveler's Check, American Express, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Traveler's Check, American Express, Cash, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Rating
- 54% of 46 people liked it on Urbanspoon
- Pereg
- Spices, Mixes, Couscous & Quinoa
- Email
- Spring Valley
- Frozen Groceries
- Meals Served
- Dinner, Lunch
- Empire & Aaron's/rubashkin
- Poultry & Deli
- Meal Mart
- Amazing Meals
- A & B
- Gefilte Fish
- Price Range
- $$ ($9-$15)
- A & H
- Deli Items
- Osem
- Groceries
- Cuisine
- Kosher
- Web Site