Company description
Located in Bay Park, SD. The High Dive Bar & Grill is an upscale dive bar. Best burgers, pizza, salads, apps, & desserts you'll ever have at a dive. Great service, honest cocktails, kid friendly!
More details
- Payment Accepted
- Traveler's Check, American Express, Cash, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Cash, MasterCard, Visa
- Tuesday Special
- Flight Night w/ $1.50 Spaghetti (5-9pm)
- Rating
- 86% of 72 people liked it on Urbanspoon
- Cuisine
- Burgers, breakfast, salads, pizza
- Speciality
- Blue Plate Specials every day!
- Friday Special
- Rib Night starts (5-til gone)
- Thursday Special
- 1/2 off Apps (5-9pm)
- Ambiance
- Casual, comfortable
- Monday Special
- $0.25 Wings (5-9pm)
- Neighborhood
- San Diego Beaches
- Wednesday Special
- $5 Pizzas (5-9pm)
- Parking
- Street
- Average Price
- $7
- Web Site