Company description
The Burner-Man, Inc. provides Oil Burner Service for the person who buys Home Heating Oil from the Discount, or sometimes called the COD Oil Companies. These are the people who buy oil for incredible discounts on their oil, sometimes saving .70 cents a gallon, but end up not having a service contract. The Burner-Man, Inc. services these people. Call 516 781-6616
Emergency Service Calls
Emergency Services. Have you lost heat, have a bad smell in the house, or your equipment is making strange noises. Call us up. I've almost seen it all, which means my grey hair is showing my age and knowledge. CALL 516 781-6616
Annual Tune Up and Vacuuming
Annual Tune Up and Vacuuming- We provide Annual Check Ups for your heating system. Not to get techy like , but we change filters and nozzles, and clean the boiler with a vacuum. No short cuts allowed!
Then we do an efficiency test, lubricate what needs to be lubed , ect.. We want to give your boiler the greatest chance to be maintence free as possible. It is impossible to predict how well any particular heating system will run during a season.
Just like all of us, we tend to breakdown, due to age or neglect, and sometimes for no rhyme or reason. But for those of us that eat right, and go to the gym to keep in shape, usually end up running well and we do not break down nearly as much! CALL 516 781-6616
Hot Water Improvement Service
Hot Water Improvement Some heating systems have a coil built into a boiler that gets dirty and fails to provide adequate hot water. We have tools and techniques to improve the hot water production of these coils. If your boiler produced good Hot Water at one time, let The Burner-Man restore it! CALL 516 781-6616