Company description
Texas Midwest Eye Center LLP: Richert H Miller MD offers Doctors and Clinics services in Abilene TX, TX area.
More details
- Licensed
- No (All statements concerning insurance, licenses, and bonds are informational only, and are self-reported. Since insurance, licenses and bonds can expire and can be cancelled, homeowners should always check such information for themselves.)
- Most Recent Updated Information
- Confirmed: Dr. Richert's practice location is at 1750 Pine St, Abilene, TX.
- Number Of Physicians Recognized
- 1 physician in this practice are HealthGrades' Recognized.
- License Information
- State Board: Texas Medical Board Expiry Date: 2008-05-31
- Hospital Affiliation
- Hendrick Medical Center, Texas Midwest Surgery Center
- Physician Name
- Miller Miller Richert, MD, Richert Miller Miller, MD
- Educational Experience
- 3901 - Univ Of Oklahoma Coll Of Med, Oklahoma City
- Send medical information to H. RICHERT, M.D.
- Medical School
- University of Oklahoma College of Medicine
- Specialty
- Ophthalmology (Eye), Surgery
- Insurance
- HealthPlus of Michigan - Ohio
- Features
- procedures performed on site?
- Specialist
- Ophthalmologist, Surgeon
- Group Name
- H Miller Richert Md
- Medical School Rank
- 1 out of 4 stars
- Contact
- H Miller Richert
- Specialties
- Ophthalmologist
- Date Of Most Recent Update
- 04/02/2010
- On Angie's List Since
- 10/9/2008
- Middle Name
- Miller
- Sex
- Male
- Degree
- MD
- Years Experience
- 32
- Group Practice Patient Approximate Volume Per Day (average)
- 25
- Years In Practice
- 33
- Number Of Publications
- 1
- Number Of Physicians At This Location
- 1