
14481 Lochridge Boulevard
Covington 30014
United States
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Company description

Swhacker Broadheads blade design provides bow hunters with two separate cutting edges. The first set of edges, also known as the wing blades, are used for cutting the hide and the first set of ribs. These blades are also used to open the broadhead, and are much smaller than the main blades. They take the most punishment by cutting through the hair, dirt, hide, and bones during entry. The smaller blades take less energy to penetrate through the first side than an "open on impact" broadhead. These wing blades also provide a load bearing surface for the ferrule during impact. The second set of edges, or the main blades do not touch anything during the initial penetration. They still have "virgin" edges when they open in the body cavity. This allows the main blades to remain razor sharp for the internal organs.


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