Sub Zero Appliance Repair

4 reviews


320 Sunset Avenue
Los Angeles 90291
United States
Phone number:
(310) 807-2351


9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00

Accepted payments

Cash payment accepted Mastercard payment accepted Cheque payment accepted Paypal payment accepted

Location on map

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Company description

Sub Zero Appliance Repair has maintained an superb business relationship with their clients and thousands of repeated satisfied customers nationwide. We have many years of experience in providing the quality services. We repair Sub-Zero Refrigerators, Sub-Zero Freezers, Sub Zero Wine Coolers, and Sub Zero Ice Makers.


Sensational performance! Your technician was the one that I was able to get for my refrigerator that was making a noise. He was a tough and versatile technician who knows very well when it comes to appliance restoration. My big thanks to this company and your technician for providing me a satisfactory service. Beautiful work, guys! Thank you so much! Continue to do great!
1/19/2021 4:16:19 PM Report

Just a week ago, I called your office to have an appointment for the appliance repair service. My worries faded off when your technician arrived and fixed my refrigerator gasket issues as soon as possible. I can say that you trained him to become more skilled in everything he did. Thank you so much! I should highly recommend you to my friends. Cheers to more clients!
11/26/2020 11:16:10 AM Report

I could see how skilled and skilled your technician was when it comes to serving my refrigerator gasket. This technician promptly diagnosed the issue and walked me through what my options are. I can conclude that he is one of your best technicians when it comes to appliance repair service. This company truly merits a high recommendation from the customers! Thank you so much for helping me fix my appliance!
9/21/2020 4:49:57 PM Report

I would treasure you guys for you were able to help me with my refrigerator ice maker problem throughout the day. The technician was fast and expert as he handled the repair. The price also was cheaper than the previous company that I experienced before. Thank you so much for not failing my expectations! Highly recommended!
6/30/2020 3:05:08 PM Report

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