Company description
Large cafe. Extra seating indoors and out. Exceptional service. Excellent place to meet or study.
More details
- Payment Accepted
- American Express, Cash, Diner's Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Cash, Diner's Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
- Rating
- 80% of 10 people liked it on Urbanspoon
- Email
- [email protected]
- Cuisine
- Coffee & Tea, American
- Feature
- Breakfast, Fast Food
- Technology
- 802.11b Wi-Fi
- Amenities
- Wifi Hotspot
- Cost
- Inexpensive
- Wi-fi Hotspot
- Available
- Features
- take out
- Average Entree
- $6.35
- Price
- $6.35
- Paytype
- paid
- Web Site