Springstead & Bartish Law, PLLC

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15 Ionia Ave SW #520
Grand Rapids MI 49503
United States
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Company description

At the Grand Rapids criminal law firm of Springstead & Bartish Law, PLLC, we are dedicated almost exclusively to criminal defense in West Michigan. Our attorneys use their unique experience (two former F.B.I. Agents and a former active-duty J.A.G. Attorney) to try and win your case or get you the best possible result. This is integral to our success as criminal defense attorneys.

Springstead & Bartish Law handles both state and federal criminal defense. Common state crimes include: drunk driving (OWI, DWI, OUIL, OUID); assault and battery; minor in possession (MIP) cases; drug crimes such as marijuana possession, manufacture/delivery, PWID, Electric Forest Festival charges; sex crimes or CSC. Common federal criminal charges include: white collar crimes like ponzi schemes, embezzlement, frauds; violent crimes; drug crimes and conspiracy charges; immigration offenses; and gun charges.


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