
4043 North Saint Peters Parkway
St. Peters 63304
United States
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Company description

"For a healthy summer glow all year long, SpaTAN offers the premier tanning services you need. From custom airbrush tanning and sunless spray tans to state-of-the-tart sunbeds, thisluxury tanning salonoffers every beautifying and rejuvenating service you need.

For an even,natural-looking tan, head over to St. Louis’ favoritetanning salon. Choose from two convenient Spa TAN locationsin Chesterfield, MO or St. Peters, MO. For more information about SpaTAN, call (656) 536-1400 fortheir Chesterfield location or (636) 441-4401 for their St. Peters, MO, location. You can alsovisit theirwebsitefor promotions, new, specials, and information on every service they offer or tanning products they stock."

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