Company description
Our customers today have year-end compensation projects where they need to determine pay raises/bonuses/etc for employees - because their compensation process is unique, many times they create hundreds of spreadsheets that are emailed to managers that managers then send back and forth - it is an out of control process that is prone to massive errors and completely insecure - SecureSheet takes that existing manual spreadsheet process and converts that existing spreadsheet into a secure, web-based, multi-user enterprise application where customers can control down to the cell level in real-time, what each manager can see and/or do - the value proposition is SecureSheet is a single source of truth that is 100% custom, accurate and real-time and simple to set up compared to any other option they may pursue.
Secure, online, multinational spreadsheets:
- Security: Access and availability through a securely connected website. We use a patented data and security model that can customize user-based security at any level (sheet, row, cell, column, custom views)
- Online: Intuitive, cloud-based, easily customized, and scalable solution. All updates are real-time; meaning everyone is working with the latest version. SecureSheet also supports single sign-on (SSO).
- Multinational: Multinational capabilities such as number/date, currency, and language.
- Spreadsheet: Your entire process is managed from beginning to end using one single, centralized, shared SecureSheet. Imported spreadsheet features, formulas, and formatting are preserved.