Secure Money Services

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301 North Bullard Street
Silver City 88061
United States
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Cheque payment accepted

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Company description

We’re not some voice on the other end of 1-800-I DON’T GIVE A HOOT!

We’re real, live people and have spent over 55 years combined helping individuals, small business owners and senior citizens with their personal insurance needs. We answer our own phones and are available 24/7.

We are brokers. That means we represent only our clients. We maintain contracts with a large number of top-rated insurance companies and we take the time to find only the best policies for our clients. That way, when we recommend something to you, we know it’s the best possible choice.

We live in Silver City NM, however we are licensed in 8 states and keep current on regulations and options in all of them. And if you need our help and don’t live in a state where we hold a license, we’ll get one so we can provide service to you.

Our specialties are life and health insurance, Medicare supplement coverage, annuities, long term care coverage and critical illness, disability and dental insurance. It is always our goal to ensure you have the coverage you need to protect you and your family against financial disaster in the face of an unforeseen accident, illness or death. We don’t do personal property insurance – we help insure what is most important – YOU!

Additionally we offer our clients information and options for accumulating and maintaining wealth. We are always researching to find safe, reliable opportunities for our clients that do not involve market risk. Keeping your money safe and growing is always our goal.

Safe Money and Insurance Specialists.


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