Saint Thomas Seminary

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245 North Levering Avenue
MO 63401


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Company description

Saint Thomas Seminary offers High Schools services in Hannibal MO, MO area.

More details

School Memberships
National Association of Episcopal Schools (NAES)
Percentage Vacancy Of Housing Units In School State
10% vacancy rate
Percentage Vacancy Of Housing Units In School Zip
10% vacancy rate
Population (approximate) In School State
5,593,929 people
Religious Affiliations
Roman Catholic
Population (approximate) In School Zip
21,891 people
Grades Offered
9 through 12
Median Age Of Housing Structure In School State
42 years old
Median Age Of Housing Structure In School Zip
52 years old
Population Average Age In School State
36 years old
Population Average Age In School Zip
37 years old
Average Household Size In School State
2.3 persons
Average Household Size In School Zip
2.4 persons
Avg. Number Of Rooms In Household In School State
5.5 rooms
Avg. Number Of Rooms In Household In School Zip
5.5 rooms
Percentage Owning / Percentage Renting In School State
70% / 30%
Percentage Owning / Percentage Renting In School Zip
69% / 31%
Median Household Income In School State
School Days In Calendar Year
180 days
School Days In Calendar Year (state Average)
176 days
Student Body Type
All boys
Hours In School Day For Students
7 hours
Hours In School Day For Students (state Average)
7 hours
Median Household Income In School Zip
Median Value Of Housing Unit In School State
Median Value Of Housing Unit In School Zip
School Level
Percentage (age 25+) W/college Degree In School State
Percentage (age 25+) W/college Degree In School Zip
Teacher / Student Ratio
Teacher / Student Ratio (state Average)
Number Of Grade 9 Students
Total Students
Number Of Grade 10 Students
Number Of Grade 11 Students
Number Of Grade 12 Students


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