Revitalize Chiropractic

0 reviews


3544 Clark Rd
Sarasota 34231
United States
Phone number:
(941) 404-1253

Accepted payments

Cash payment accepted Cheque payment accepted

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Company description

At Revitalize our mission is to find and correct the root cause of your health concerns through gentle, specific, neurologically-based chiropractic care. Our goal is to revitalize the body and enhance your quality of life. Your care is based on a cutting-edge corrective care model rather than simply pain/symptom-based. Schedule a consultation with the doctors to see how chiropractic care can be the right choice for you!

Business Hours: Mon, Thu: 10:00am-12:30pm; 3:00pm-6:30pm; Tue: 3:00pm-6:30pm; Wed: 10:00am-12:30pm; 3:00pm-5:00pm; Fri: Appointment only


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