Reliable Locksmith

0 reviews


Rochester, NY
Rochester NY 14618
United States
Phone number:
(866) 272-7340

Accepted payments

Cash payment accepted Cheque payment accepted

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Company description

Emergency locksmith service, Locked Out Of Your House OR Car? We are available 24/7 in any emergency locksmith situation. Our technicians respond quickly and professionally and can open any lock, day or night, without damage to your door or locks.We Have 15 min response time and thats a guaranty. Our Emergency Locksmith Service includes open a locked car door open a locked house door open locked office door. new car key making if you ever loose your car keys include programming for a transponder chip keys, remote programming. Lockout services for an office doors or file cabinet locks, lockout services for house door quick and with no risk to the door. Emergency locksmith service is a local service to give a very fast response to an unexpected keys lock in the car house or an office. we have a very competitive prices we can beat other companies prices. we are covering a big areas in order to make sure that we will have a big range of customers that will enjoy our cheap prices.


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