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If you are looking for a long-term solution to your low back pain, it might be time to try regenerative orthopedics. These treatments are becoming more popular because the side effects of analgesics are often worse than their short-term relief. When you need a natural solution, why not explore our advanced regenerative orthopedics? At QC Kinetix (Grand Rapids - East), treatments leverage your body's restoring mechanisms and focus on targeted pain relief through alternative therapies such as light treatments. Routine wear and tear, degenerative conditions, and old age often cause painful issues in various areas of the body. While this might have a little effect early on, thinning cartilage soon affects your ability to perform day-to-day activities without discomfort. Eventually, this degeneration will result in joint pain as bones grind against each other. Thankfully, regenerative medicine in Grand Rapids offers some help!