Company description
"Our role as Educational Counselors is to help reduce the stress and confusion students and their families face during the school and college admissions process. Whether it is college, private school or special programs, our 20 years of experience successfully assisting students and families with their educational choices can make a difference.
Finding the right fit is often more difficult than it appears. Colleges and schools, like people have different personalities and characteristics, and they all offer a variety of academic and social experiences. Each student is unique. Some want specific academic programs while others require special learning and living conditions. But, all students must have an educational environment in which they are comfortable and can explore their full potential.
We work with students who aspire to the most selective colleges and schools, as well as those who require special educational placements. As committed educational counselors, we are devoted to the success and achievement of our students.
We have no bias or affiliation with any schools.
The recommendations we present to you focus only on the learning environments we feel best match the needs of your family, and your son or daughter.
Our extensive experience and knowledge of available options allow us to tailor a solution to the specific needs of the family and student."