
5042 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles 90036
United States
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Company description

Welcome To PeaCure-Together we are building a sustainable future based on versatile use of natural supplements. Rooted in responsibility – driven by innovation.Today, we continue our natural products leadership with innovative formulas that deliver research-proven ingredients, always safety and purity tested in our production facility in Los Angeles. These products are formulated based on the latest nutritional science to ensure appropriate potencies and optimal combinations for absorption, utility and effectiveness. We’re proud to offer the best-selling pure palmitoylethanolamide and we hear from our customers repeatedly that they never felt a difference – until they tried ours.Our mission: PeaCure will be a leader in science-based natural healing and wellbeing, benefiting our customers and the world.Our vision: To protect and activate wellness naturally through our commitment to developing trusted, science-based, transparant doctor-formulated products while being socially and environmnetally responsible.


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