Paul C. Tijerina, LLC

0 reviews


2402 N. Tenaya Way
Las Vegas 89128
United States
Phone number:
(702) 546-6098


9:00 - 16:00
9:00 - 16:00
9:00 - 16:00
9:00 - 16:00
9:00 - 16:00
9:00 - 16:00

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Company description

Are you tired of being tired? Sick of being sick? Do you suffer from low energy levels, digestive issues, poor body composition, autoimmune symptoms? Are you tired of all the confusing information available about what to do to be healthy?

No other animal on the planet has to figure out what it is supposed to eat, or how it is supposed to live. Yet with all our technology and “knowledge,” as a nation, as a species, most of us are lost when it comes to health. For the past 50 years we’ve been trying our best to follow the constant and ever-changing flow of information, guidelines and advice given to us from the Conventional Wisdom view. Yet after following this advice, as a nation, we are worse off than we’ve ever been.

Imagine being EMPOWERED with the right information. Look, feel, and perform better, than you ever thought possible. Our goal is to empower you with education based on our foundations, give you experiential knowledge through our services, and support you for LIFE with our main office and community.

Our foundations:
• Real food
• Essential oils & smart supplementation
• Functional fitness
• Setting circadian rhythms
• Grounding & being outdoors
• Meditation & mindfulness
• Social connection & cultivating community

Visit for a list of services. We offer private services for individuals, as well as group programs for corporate accounts, gyms, fitness facilities, and other organizations.


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