Company description
Georgia's premier clothing optional resort. Favorite among nudist, naturist and clothed. Couples and singles welcome. (formerly called Hidden Valley Resort)
More details
- General Amenities
- Complimentary coffee , Air-conditioned , Photocopier service , Non-smoking room , Parking (free) , Smoke alarms , Kitchenette , Restaurant , A/V equipment rental , Multi-lingual staff , Refrigerator , Laundry room
- Features
- Real estate available, RV lots for rent, Condos for rent, Motel rooms for rent, Memberships available, RV lots for rent, Condos for rent, Motel rooms for rent, Memberships available
- Payment Accepted
- Check, American Express, Cash, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Cash, MasterCard, Visa
- Activities
- Pool (outdoor) , Fishing , Health club , Jogging , Spa , Hot tub , Tennis
- Standard
- TripAdvisor Travel Rating 4.0/5.0
- Special Events
- yes, check website for details
- Email
- New Development Lots Available
- coming soon
- Room Information
- 12 Rooms
- Stars
- 2
- Web Site