Outdoor Cooking Pros

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1321 Upland Dr Ste 2365,
Houston 77043
United States
Phone number:
888 303-7767


9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00
9:00 - 17:00


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Company description

Need to bring the heat for camp barbeque, s’mores or hotdogs? Don’t fret—Outdoor Cooking Pros is here! Outdoor Cooking Pros is the fledgling product of two entrepreneurs’ love for cooking good food, sharing experiences with family and friends, and enjoying the Great Outdoors. We are Jon Parmenter and Kyle Klaver, who have already found success in previous e-commerce initiatives, but are thrilled to be bringing more to the table with our shared expertise and passion. Founded in 2019 and based in Houston, Texas, we give our customers the largest selection of outdoor cooking equipment and unmatched shopping experience, share professional tips and secrets, and form a growing community whose trust we intend to keep. We strongly believe that by providing our community with great service, we will then be able to enjoy the confidence of our customers and the friendship of our suppliers and dealers. We aim to make the best shopping experience possible every chance we get. We do that foremost by handpicking the products that are sold through Outdoor Cooking Pros ourselves, ensuring that they are of high quality and would meet the standards of anyone experienced with nature cooking. A price match is also guaranteed to get you the outdoor kitchen and grills your money is worth. We are strong advocates of transparency, so you can expect that there are no hidden fees from the price of our outdoor cooking equipment down to the delivery of your items anywhere in the United States! In the odd chance that we are wrong about our selection, we will fix the problem right away so you can get on with your passion. If it isn’t obvious by now, we also want you to be Outdoor Cooking Pros! The designation is not ours alone, and we want to help you get there. Besides offering our highly recommended equipment, we will also bring you the latest there is to know in outdoor cooking. Come, have a look at our collection. Even hit us with a question or two at contact@outdoorcookingpros.com—we’ll be waiting.


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