Company description
OE Angel Painting Inc. - Home Improvement Store, House Painting offers Painters, and Home Improvement Stores services in Chevy Chase MD, MD area.
More details
- Payment Accepted
- Check, American Express, Cash, MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Cash, MasterCard, Visa
- Services Provided
- home improvement house painting nome painting house repair painting contractor
- Specialities
- 10% for students, seniors, government workers
- Discounts And Specials
- 10% for students, seniors, government workers
- License Information
- Licensed Contractor Bonded and Insured
- Areas Served
- Montgomery Maryland, Washington DC
- Prices
- call for monthly specials
- Languages Spoken
- English and Spanish
- Home Improvement
- Chevy Chase, MD
- Home Painting
- Chevy Chase, MD
- Painting Contractor
- Chevy Chase, MD
- Email
- [email protected]
- Chevy Chase, Md
- house painting
- Additional Hours
- call any time
- Chevy Chase
- house repair
- In Business Since
- 1993
- Year Established
- 1993