Oakdale Recovery Center

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43825 Michigan Ave Ste 1
Canton MI 48188
United States
Phone number:


12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

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Company description

Oakdale Recovery Center is a residential and outpatient substance abuse treatment center. Oakdale offers six levels of care to meet the needs of persons moving through the stages of recovery.

Our treatment options include: Detoxification, Residential, Day Treatment, Domiciliary Intensive Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient and Traditional Outpatient.

Oakdale’s six levels of care (treatment options) are designed to meet the unique needs of persons moving through the various stages of recovery. You can enter directly into any of these levels of care or gradually step-down from one level of care to another to devote a longer period of uninterrupted time to become more self-reliant in your relapse prevention skills.

Oakdale supports the 12 Steps of Recovery, addresses individual motivation as a key component of treatment planning and encourages a holistic approach to recovery: mind, body, spirit and environment.

There are common “core” services offered within each of the six levels of care available at Oakdale:
Individual Comprehensive Assessment
Individualized Treatment Planning
Individual, Group and Family Counseling
Urine Drug Screening
Psychiatric Assessment (as needed)
Medication Management (as needed)
Aftercare Planning and Referrals

We specialize in Addiction Treatment Center, Drug Testing Service, Family Counselor, Drug Addiction Treatment Center, Mental Health Service, Counseling, Detoxification, Domiciliary Intensive Outpatient, Urine Drug Screening, Psychiatric Assessment, Medication Management, Individual assessment and treatment planning, Individual Therapy, Group Therapy, Family Counseling, Urine drug screening, Psychiatric Assessment, Medication Management, Aftercare planning and referrals, Detoxification, Short Term Residential Treatment, Day Treatment, Domiciliary Intensive Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient Treatment, Traditional Outpatient Treatment

More details

Addiction Treatment Center, Drug Testing Service, Family Counselor, Drug Addiction Treatment Center, Mental Health Service, Counseling, Detoxification, Domiciliary Intensive Outpatient, Urine Drug Screening, Psychiatric Assessment, Medication Management, Individual assessment and treatment planning, Individual Therapy, Group Therapy, Family Counseling, Urine drug screening, Psychiatric Assessment, Medication Management, Aftercare planning and referrals, Detoxification, Short Term Residential Treatment, Day Treatment, Domiciliary Intensive Outpatient, Intensive Outpatient Treatment, Traditional Outpatient Treatment


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