
3631 Stone Way N
Seattle WA 98103
United States
Phone number:
(206) 365-4209

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Company description

NLP Choices was created by Richard Bandler in the 1970’s and is purported to enable individuals to reprogram their behavior and beliefs to come into alignment with their goals and values. NLP Choices has been running successful workshops and training programs for a number of years. NLP Choices’ “CREATE YOUR FUTURE” Personal Mastery Program can give everything you need to access the personal skills, techniques, states, and beliefs to realize your full potential.

Programs: “Create Tomorrow Today - The Art and Science of Manifesting”, “Communication magic - Its’s about genuinely connecting”, “Easy Change - The Basics of NLP”. All programs are held at NLP Choices’ Training Center.

Neuro Linguistic Programming or “NLP” has been described as “software for the brain” - the brain being the human computer system that takes in sensory data, makes meaning of it, organizes and stores it, and then uses it to decide how to best respond to our ongoing experience. NLP is one of the most effective tools available for tapping into our true human potential and it gives individuals firsthand experience about the power of the program.


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