Company description
New Milford High School offers High Schools services in New Milford CT, CT area.
More details
- School District
- New Milford School District
- Population (approximate) In School State
- 3,405,565 people
- Percentage Vacancy Of Housing Units In School State
- 6% vacancy rate
- Percentage Vacancy Of Housing Units In School Zip
- 6% vacancy rate
- Grades Offered
- 09 through 12
- Population (approximate) In School Zip
- 25,973 people
- Median Age Of Housing Structure In School State
- 49 years old
- Median Age Of Housing Structure In School Zip
- 39 years old
- Population Average Age In School State
- 37 years old
- Population Average Age In School Zip
- 37 years old
- Average Household Size In School State
- 2.5 persons
- Average Household Size In School Zip
- 2.7 persons
- District Expenditure
- $56,718,000
- District Total Revenue
- $61,378,000
- County
- Litchfield
- Avg. Number Of Rooms In Household In School State
- 5.7 rooms
- Avg. Number Of Rooms In Household In School Zip
- 6.2 rooms
- Male / Female Ratio
- 50% / 50%
- Number Of Schools In District
- 6 Schools
- Percentage Owning / Percentage Renting In School State
- 67% / 33%
- Percentage Owning / Percentage Renting In School Zip
- 77% / 23%
- Median Value Of Housing Unit In School State
- $184,681
- Median Value Of Housing Unit In School Zip
- $179,600
- Median Household Income In School Zip
- $65,075
- Percent Qualifying For Free Or Reduced Lunch
- 6.09679
- Median Household Income In School State
- $57801
- Type
- public
- Enrollment
- 1,588
- Ethnicity White
- 90.1%
- Schoolwide Math Proficiency
- 91.3%
- Schoolwide Reading Proficiency
- 93.0%
- School Level
- High
- Teacher / Student Ratio
- 1:15
- Teacher / Student Ratio (state Average)
- 1:14
- Total Students
- 1591
- Economically Disadvantaged
- 5.9%
- Ethnicity American Indian Alaska Native
- 0.1%
- Ethnicity Asian Pacific Islander
- 2.1%
- Ethnicity Black
- 1.8%
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- 5.9%
- Grade
- 9-12
- Student To Teacher Ratio
- 16.7
- Grades
- 9-12
- Student Teacher Ratio
- 14.8
- District Graduation Rate
- 99%
- Number Of Grade 10 Students
- 424
- Number Of Grade 11 Students
- 366
- Number Of Grade 12 Students
- 371
- Number Of Grade 9 Students
- 430
- Percentage (age 25+) W/college Degree In School State
- 35%
- Percentage (age 25+) W/college Degree In School Zip
- 38%
- Teachers
- 107
- Percentage Students Eligible For Free Lunch
- 4%
- Percentage Students Eligible For Reduced Lunch
- 2%
- After School Programs Rating
- 4
- Extracurriculars Rating
- 5
- Overall Rating
- 5
- School Safety Rating
- 5
- Special Needs Rating
- 4
- Teacher Rating
- 4
- Mailing Address Available Only
- N