Company description
Chiropractors in Huntsville (Jones Valley), Millar Chiropractic - Huntsville AL (Jones Valley) is one of 6 Millar Chiropractic offices. Watch Dr Greg Millar on Waay TV Channel 31 Medcall.
More details
- Specialities
- Auto Accidents, Bulging & Herniated Non-Surgical Disc Treatment, Dts Decompression Traction, Fibromyalgia, Joint & Muscle Pains & Strains, Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Vitamins & Supplements, Weight Loss
- Payment Accepted
- Cash, Check, Traveler's Check, Invoice, American Express, Diner's Club, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, Financing
- Send medical information to ProHealth Chiropractic, LLC
- New Patients Welcome
- Same day service in most cases
- Physician Name
- ProHealth Chiropractic, LLC
- Brands
- Watch Waay Tv Channel 31
- Email
- Specialty
- Chiropractor
- DTS - Decompression Traction
- In Office
- Web Site